I am attempting to use the pilot of California's DMV Wallet (to capture/store my official DL for travel, etal).

The app - well the app sucks... however...

What it does is directs you to browser links in order to complete your application... however both Vanadium as well as Mull (my 'other' browser' ) - is giving an error - in that the CA DMV app doesn't 'think' I am using a mobile browser (as they need to use a camera for capture).

I am using the Mull browser (as it enables a user-agent spoof add-in) - but nothing seems to work (though it is just as likely the app itself just doesn't work).

Any ideas/thoughts how to get past this? My guess is something from a security standpoint is blocking this - and the message itself just isn't indicative of the issue...?

    • [deleted]

    Have you allowed the camera permission in the browser?

      lcalamar Is that both system settings and site settings within the Vanadium browser?

      3 months later

      I got to the acceptance stage using Brave. They "Approved". However, when I try to accept I get the error "NoSuchMethodError: Class 'DioError' has no instance getter 'data'. Receiver: Instance of 'DioError' Tried calling: data". Not impressed.

      • de0u replied to this.

        SW204 Is your Brave up to date? That kind of message may (or may not) be consistent with an out-of-date browser.