It seems Cash App officially does not support Graphene OS.

I called Cash App support for help with the error "We couldn't verify that this account belongs to you." on Graphene OS. As a troubleshooting step they wanted me to create a new Cash App account, and that is when the app directly told me "This device or software isn't supported \n Cash app doesn't support the use of emulators or other software programs". And after consulting with their specialist, my support person said that I will have to use another device.


While it would be great if companies cared to support Graphene OS, I also understand why they wouldn't waste their time doing so.

There are approximately 1.4 billion iPhone users and 3.9 billion Android users in the world. There are approximately 300 thousand Graphene OS users. In other words, Graphene OS represents 0.0057% of the smart phone population. I think we will unfortunately have to company rules/regulations/specifications (even if they don't make sense) around their apps, not the other way around.

    treenutz68 Or, the poster could ask. Why take the decision away from Cash App? Because we assume they will say no? If they say no, then we can live with it (as you suggest), but there's no harm in asking them to consider it.