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  • Brave Browser, Tor Browser and Collabora Office Auto Update

I prefer to download and keep track of free and open-source app updates in Graphene from their original github repositories using an rss reader / unobtainium instead of using F-Droid and other middle-men. However there are stuffs like Brave Browser, Tor Browser and Collabora Office who don't publish their apk's on github. How do you all manage to track such apps?

    • [deleted]

    I also use rss to keep track of apps on Github but Brave throws out too many "pre-releases" which is why I use another app called FFUpdater to install Brave. It also handles a wide range of browsers including Tor.
    Once in a while FFU will download a Brave update but not install. After the first fail I just go to Github and manually update.
    I keep fdroid installed for the apps that aren't on Github.

    icarious Tor Browser

    I've got Tor Browser set up through Obtainium by adding the link:


    and then in the App ID part, put in:


    Edit: Oh and make sure you change the Override Source to "Third Party F-Droid Repo"

    6 days later

    I just use Brave from Aurora store, and obtainium for all the regular GitHub APKs

    6 months later

    I saw that Brave desktop displays a Tor button for websites with onion addresses like TorBrowser. Has anyone tried it?

      6 days later

      Brave page's support don't consider their Tor Connectivity feature at the same level than the original browser.

      Note that Private Windows with Tor Connectivity in Brave are just regular private windows that use Tor as a proxy. Brave does NOT implement most of the privacy protections from Tor Browser.