I tried installing Google Services in a separate profile but get the following message: Unable to install Google Services Framework, Google Play Store, Google Play services: package conflicts with another package that is already installed on this device.

INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER: Scanning Failed.: Can't install because provider name com.google.android.gsf.gservices (in package com.google.android.gsf) is already used by de.lukaspieper.gcam.services. I've tried searching for the "de.lukaspieper.gcam.services" in the file manager but nothing shows up. What am I doing wrong or how am I able to delete it? Thank you.

    AngloSaxon This is because you have installed Gcam Services Provider, I assume in another profile. It will work if you uninstall it first. Anyway, it is not needed anymore for Google (Pixel) Camera to work since this update:

    • add generic compatibility shim catching the exception from the Gservices provider being missing to enable apps like Google Camera and the Pixel eSIM firmware app (Google eSIM activation app is separate) to work without GSF installed since they don't have any actual hard dependency on either GSF or Play services

      233328 Thanks, I did delete the app but apparently didn't uninstall it completely. Now it works! Thank you for the fast answer.