Hello, I have just recently started using GrapheneOS and this is my first pixel. I have noticed that the battery seems to be draining a bit faster than I would expect. I, admittedly, use my phone quite a bit; mainly listening to podcasts or music, but it is draining faster than my old Motorola by a surprising margin. Additionally it drained a remarkable amount (around 50%) over 8 hours of very minimal usage while I was at a Thanksgiving party. This could have been due to not having it set to "only LTE" which I have now done.
For my situation specifically, my Owner profile does not have play services installed. It has Signal installed and I am using a VPN, both of which I understand to often be battery drains. I also use OLauncher instead of the Graphene launcher. The only apps with unrestricted battery usage (other than the stock ones for Graphene) are Signal, Syncthing, and Your Local Weather. But each of these apps has a rather low percentage of usage in the battery usage section. I can't do a great analysis because the section stopped updating for a full day when I was trying to figure this out. More or less the biggest battery users were InnerTune (music), NewPipe (Youtube frontend), and "System apps".
I have separate profiles, but I end their sessions as soon as I am done and spend very little time in them. I am mainly looking for tips on how I can improve the battery life of my device. For example, should I restrict the battery usage of all apps I do not need to function in the background? Should I set the kill all activities developer option? Is there some way I can configure my media playing to reduce it's battery usage? Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!