- Edited
Andy I'm not sure what you question is here:
Which one of the 13,856 letters :) or 2,228 words :)
It may be beneficial for some people to read the official installation guide once before attempting to do the install.
Way back I used techlore installation video as a guide on one Linux laptop whilst using another Linux laptop for the flash with the Pixel 3a. Quite stressful but I succeeded :) 71 years old then
My dad's 82 and was able to follow the official written guide and was successful with installing it on his device last year. He is blind in one eye and English is his third language. It was difficult for him too. He did ask about videos but since they are most inaccurate and out dated, he wanted to do it right.
The only video recommendations I would make is Side of Burritos guided videos. Techlore is not accurate and most of the things they say usually ends up being wrong when it comes to GrapheneOS.
Now I find that I can’t use my FireFox-ESR and don’t want to use any of the recommended browsers. Oh dear
Firefox isn't supported because it doesn't support WebUSB. Simple solution is to use one of the supported browsers. Many users install one of the supported browsers for one-time use and then remove it.
Why oh Why can’t we have an official video or official confirmation of one web video?
Explained here https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/8968-pixel-8-pro-on-black-friday-sale-now/7