Hi, is there a way to automatically disable the always on display at night, when the room is dark or when the phone is charging?
Previously I just flipped the phone screen-down, but it's impossible now as I use a wireless charger (not a Pixel Stand).
I heard you can do it with Tasker, so maybe a simple FOSS app exists that does just that?


  • [deleted]

I don't think you can do this in an elegant manner. Im sorry to say, but we have to just accept these hurles as the project has limited resources and they assign higher priority to issues that affect more users and security logically.

    [deleted] Ok.
    From what I know it just requires modifying the DOZE_ALWAYS_ON secure setting (correct me if I'm wrong), and I think my basic Java knowledge should be enough to write a simple app that does just that. And I'll make it open source afterwards!