Noticed that Auditor 51 was released because apparently there was a vulnerability with the previous version and Pixel 6 Pro phones. I just installed Graphene on my Pixel 6 Pro and I’m trying to get a solid Audit using my older Graphene phone post install but before my new phone connects to wifi (security model stuff). Should I wait until this vuln in Pixel 6 Pro auditability is fixed to install Graphene or is it ok to begin my initial audit right now as is?
Auditor app and Pixel 6 Pro
- Edited
It is not a vulnerability.
It is a bug.
But that does not mean it isn't a serious issue.
And a workaround is in place, I am sorry I am unable to provide you with the technical details at the moment
I appreciate the reply. But I am not looking for technical details. Just wondering if it is safe to install and do that initial Auditor pairing with the 6 Pro
XL87LGV7W9EY7Y7A5Z9B3T7N6ZRX74 Your answers can be found here:
Thank you! I updated Auditor to 51 and paired a new installation. It paired as “Very High”. Just so I’m clear, this Very High status will remain after this bug is fixed?
From my understanding yes.
XL87LGV7W9EY7Y7A5Z9B3T7N6ZRX74 Yes, it will.