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  • Custom Icons with GrapheneOS launcher?

i would like to use a custom icon pack, namely https://github.com/Donnnno/Arcticons

I was using the OmegaLauncher in the past (on a non-grapheneos phone). However, the experience wasn't great due to bugs and crashes.

Us there a way to use custom icons with the grapheneos launcher? Or some other good alternative?


    Unfortunately currently GrapheneOS launcher can't import and utilize custom app icons.

    Some apps can change their own icons natively.

    I agree that this would be a nice feature to have!

    That said, as GrapheneOS is focused on security and privacy improvements first and foremost, this may not be possible to implement at the moment.

    GrapheneOS does aim to be highly usable as well as secure, so we thank you for pitching in with this idea!

    Keep in mind that the project could also use more resources in order to be able to facilitate more requests like this.

    Please consider donating. If everybody pitched in, the project would be able to have more full time developers working on all kinds of new features!

    You can find out more information about donating to the project here:

    Thank you!

      6gsxdr3U I use Nova Launcher with network restricted, the app can be downloaded from their website if you don't use Google Play Store or Aurora.

      If you purchase Nova Prime via Play Store or have done before, you can contact them and they will supply and unlock key to unlock full functionality without requiring Play Services too.

      I was also going to suggest considering Lawnchair which I use in a secondary profile but I've just found a bug to report thanks to you :)

      As Hulk said though if you want these things provided on a first party basis for security then a regular donation certainly helps doesn't have to be a substantial amount as little as $2.50 regularly helps.

        MetropleX regarding Nova, IMHO, If people would want to focus on privacy and security, they would probably want the last available file of version 7, as from version 8 they shifted development to new horizons, but with network disabled it could probably be the same

          alex_herrero I run it with Network revoked, so it doesn't concern me, never advisable to run a lesser version, current target higher SDK's and as such be restricted further with the improvements made to the most current OS.

            MetropleX that's a nice suggestion, didn't see it from that perspective. Thanks, will do that.

            There are also open source launchers like the aforementioned Lawnchair but also Neo-Launcher and Kiss Launcher which are updated regularly.

              I use Niagara Launcher with the network privileges revoked. Their beta apks can be downloaded from Github and they allow icon customization, including setting custom app icons individually.

              Max-Zorin not stirring anything as far as I'm concerned. No dog in the fight. Nova is my primary launcher.

              I don't use F-Droid and use the most up to date releases using Github, .atom and RSS reader from the releases page combine with their recent lawnchair.app website makes it easier.

                a year later

                MetropleX do you still use nova? I'm trying to find a launcher myself but I've heard the been bought by some known data collection company or something

                In just hope that one day, the GrapheneOS launched supports custom icons. Would look really nice with the Articons pack (also monochrome).
                But I get that it is not high on the priority list, since it is more of a cosmetic change than a security one.

                MetropleX i have Nova Prime bought from playstore using my old gmail id which i lo longer use it with my phone. How to contact nova team to get the unlock key. Could you please share.

                7 months later

                Would just like to +1 this feature, would be nice to have. I was using a mate's phone for a while as mine broke and he had a icon pack which set all icons to monochrome, which made me use the phone a lot less. Was pretty nice. Was sad to find out I couldn't do it on my new phone!

                I know this is more about custom icons with GrapheneOS Launcher. Unfortunately it currently does not support custom app icons, so you may find this post helpful, where you can find some good recommendations for other launchers. Many of them work with custom icons:


                Some launchers mentioned there have already been mentioned here too.

                I personally can recommend KISS and Kvaesito. Both work with custom icons.

                a year later

                It would be awesome to add this feature to GrapheneOS launcher!