In light of the mass EAS test coming up in the US in about 2 hours, I am wondering if EAS alerts will go off even if you are on a secondary profile at the time that does not have SMS access enabled.
Emergency Alert System
My main phone daily driver (4a) didn't do anything. Neither did my Windows 10 pc.
My older pixel (3a) however, did have the emergency alert go off. It's wifi-only and kept in another room, and for the last couple days, I was getting a notification of an error saying the system update failed so I suspect it was related to that. The alert I received was written in Spanish lol
beejereeno My 6a was set to vibrate rather than "ring". I expected it to make a sound despite that setting, but it didn't. Honestly I'm not even sure it vibrated -- I looked at it when somebody else's phone made noise, and it was just displaying an alert on the screen.
de0u That is apparently expected. More information:
- Edited
I see. Thanks!
I have ring tones off but alarm sounds on. I guess I was thinking the alert would be an alarm, but I guess the code thinks of it as a phone call.
Though I don't think it vibrated like a phone call (if it vibrated at all).