When my device is locked, I can double-press the power button to get to the camera and switch to video. I can start and stop video and it is saved properly on the device. However, when I start the video and press the power button again to switch off the screen, I get "Unable to save this video: Error code 4" when I switch it back on. The complete video is lost, even the part before pressing the power button.

This use case is relevant for incidents where the user wants to make some sort of proof video which might be relevant in later legal actions. Usually, unlocking the device while e.g. being confronted by law enforcement is not an option. Also, switching off the screen both to save power or to conceal the fact that a video is taken is relevant. An adversary could make a long video unusable if they just press the power button in the end, without causing physical damage. Stopping and restarting capture would be a workaround, but that is unlikely to be performed properly in high-stress situations.

Is there a way to solve/circumvent this problem? I'm happy with solutions requiring a certain amount of technical effort.

    • [deleted]

    hephaisto When my device is locked, I can double-press the power button to get to the camera and switch to video. I can start and stop video and it is saved properly on the device. However, when I start the video and press the power button again to switch off the screen, I get "Unable to save this video: Error code 4" when I switch it back on. The complete video is lost, even the part before pressing the power button.

    I wasn't able to reproduce it on my 6a. File an issue on OS issue tracker.

      Thanks for the quick reply!
      Can you please clarify the behavior on your phone? Does video capture continue or does it stop at the point where you pressed the power button?

        • [deleted]

        • Edited


        1. While the device is locked, I double-press the power button to get to the camera and switch to video.
        2. I record a short video that saves to my device upon tapping Stop
        3. I open built-in Gallery app, start playing the video and halfway through the playback I press the power button again to switch off the screen
        4. I don't get any errors
        5. I check my gallery app, the video in question is intact.


          Okay, that does not describe what I am doing. I'm talking about the following:

          1. While the device is locked, double-press the power button to get to the camera, switch to video
          2. press record
          3. press power button, screen turns off
          4. press power button, screen turns on

          result: Error message and the camera is currently not recording.

          The original text should probably have been mor clearer and replaced:

          However, when I start the video and press the power


          However, when I instead start recording the video and press the power

            • [deleted]

            hephaisto Okay my bad. Yes, same behavior from locked or unlocked screen. I don't use my camera much so can't speak for what the behavior should be but error is unnerving. Can you stop recording like that on stock?

              • [deleted]

              [deleted] What's interesting is that the even the part before pressing the power button is lost and only a short half a second remains from the beginning.

              • [deleted]

              • Edited

              [deleted] I just realized I linked to the wrong issue tracker there, but I see it was resolved.

              Using the Google camera...

              • I lock my phone
              • double press power button to launch Google camera
              • switch to video and hit record
              • press power button to lock device
              • press power button and unlock
              • recording is stopped, but everything up to the point of me hitting the power button is properly saved
              • [deleted]

              Existing issue but clearly wrongly labeled.