Is there a benefit to upgrading a new 6a to Android 13 before install of GrapheneOS or is it ok to go from Andoird 12 after unboxing?
is there a benefit to upgrading 6a to Android 13 before install of GrapheneOS
g2oe specifically Pixel 6a had issues with OEM unlocking on earlier Android versions.
"It's best practice to update the device before installing GrapheneOS to have the latest firmware for connecting the phone to the computer and performing the early flashing process. Either way, GrapheneOS flashes the latest firmware early in the installation process."
I have a new P 6A. I updated Android 12 from April to June 2022, updated to Android 13, and did a factory reset. Now am I supposed to sideload Android 13 into the other slot before flashing GOS? Also, are there updates to Android 13 that should be applied first? And, is the single factory reset sufficient, or should it be done again at the end to make sure?
I haven't used mobile phones much for a long time and am not perfectly clear on:
specific releases > updates > sideloading > dual slots > resetting ; the step sequence to properly integrate GOS with AOS base system. Thanks for help and links to any clarifications.
nelson25 fully update your device ensure you can enable OEM Unlock in dev options, then follow our web installer to the letter:
So long as you can then the fact our web installer flashing the SoC firmware to both A&B Slots means you don't have to worry.
Need any help as you go through the process or a reassuring hand to hold sign up to our Matrix community for faster responses.
MetropleX Thanks.
"the fact our web installer flashing the SoC firmware to both A&B Slots means you don't have to worry"
From this, it seems unnecessary to bother with the second slot if one slot has the latest version. But, I don't want to chance "bricking" the device if there's some unforeseen reason why people might need to revert back to Android 12 in the future. I didn't think graphene even needed direct interaction with android after the initial install anyway.