So I’ve been using Graphene OS on Pixel 4a for quite some time now and didn’t have any major problems so far but today out of the blue, the device just crashed while browsing and won’t boot anymore.

This is the error message that I get after a few tries in the weird boot loop:

Any suggestions to fix this will be highly appreciated!
And yeah I’m trying to find a way to fix it without destroying the contents of the device if that’s even possible that is.

    upayansaha usually the case when the user misconfigures something or is using/doing something outside the scope. I only ever saw such a message when I used to run rooted hardware and was tinkering with Substratum themes and had one that didn't stick or hadn't applied correctly with root. 'Out of the blue' doesn't always mean without reason, it may just seem that way because something that previously worked how you configured it no longer does so.

    If you can supply more background to what you were doing or trying to do prior to the issue occurring we may be able to provide more adequate support. Also I would suggest powering off the device and running it for a while in safe mode to see if this resolves the problem or if it reoccurs.

    Please report back.

      MetropleX Thanks for the reply!
      I don’t remember doing anything remarkable before the crash happened, it was rather mundane web browsing.
      Tried installing the latest update via adb sideloading and got the same error, so I had to factory reset the device as a last resort option which fixed the issue.
      Hope this helps anyone with the same problem and serves as a reminder to always keep backups of important data.