Would be fine if you could add to the camera the 1:1 format, this available 4:3 and 16:9. I say it because to take photos for social networks as insta publications is easier to compose in format 1:1.

Thank you so much for all the work you are doing :)

    hdishs GrapheneOS Camera app uses CameraX. From what I understand, CameraX fully supports 16:9 and 4:3. Other aspect ratios can be added to a CameraX app like GrapheneOS Camera as cropped aspect ratios:

    The place to make feature requests is on GitHub. Please have look there, I have linked related issues and feature requests here:

      Its not about cameraX, its about the resolutions made available by the HAL (which is relayed ultimately through cameraX to the camera application).

      The bottom line is that the HAL does not offer 1:1 aspect ratio.

      4:3 ratio is the native ratio of the sensors.
      16:9 and other similar ratios (2:1, etc.) are achieved by cropping at the HAL level.

      Technically, the HAL could support 1:1, also through cropping, but its an uncommon ratio so they don't offer it.