This started happening a little bit ago, but every few minutes for a few seconds at a time, Gmscompat asks for my location. It shows the green icon in the top right, and if I click it it just says Gmscompat. The only reason I've allowed it access is because without that, I can't get Google maps to work at all. But I only want it to have location access when I'm actively using maps. Is there a way to find out why it's asking for permission in the background when nothing is happening, and is there a way to disable that?
Gmscompat keeps using location while in background.
Hi. GmsCompat is part of the Sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer; it's made by GrapheneOS - it's not a Google app (just want that to be clear). By default, when you use Sandboxed Google Play, location requests are re-routed to the OS (via GmsCompat), which is why you see it as "using location". In reality, it's just re-routing location requests to the OS.
I'm having this too. It's constantly running but because it re-routes trough GMScompat I can't see which app is using it... :/ closed all apps and it's still going.
- Edited
Uphill1945 We will likely make it so the location indicator reports which app is using GmsCompat for this purpose in the future, which will hopefully make it more clear to people exactly what's accessing location.
matchboxbananasynergy Can you please consider adding a toggle to turn off the green dot? There are people like me who use Google Play location (with location accuracy) which access location every couple of minutes. Not having an option to turn off the green dot means it constantly appears on the status bar.