Can someone recommend a 2 in one USBC/ USB thumb drive. I am concerned I am going to end up w one compatible only for iPhone or get an adapter instead of USB storage stick.

I want to be able to download my profiles so I can backup grapheme OS. Any recommended model would be good 64gb plus.

  • de0u replied to this.

    Thanks allot. And it has multiple male inserts for the USB and USB c ports?

    This may sound dumb but since I only see one sticking out for USB c I wanted to make sure I could stick it into the computer/USB also. Is another insert hiding?

    • de0u replied to this.

      d9780 This may sound dumb but since I only see one sticking out for USB c I wan

      d9780 This may sound dumb but since I only see one sticking out for USB c I wanted to make sure I could stick it into the computer/USB also. Is another insert hiding?

      The Best Buy page has a photo gallery.

        I just watched the video. It only has USB. I need a dual usb./USB-C. Thanks though

        • de0u replied to this.

          d9780 Up to you! There are two photo galleries on that page, one by Best Buy and one by customers. Both show USB-C. The name of the device contains "USB-C". The video is clearly not of the device in question.