How the Phone app is able to handle from which city a call is coming ?
Phone app number location
Local database of phone prefixes I think.
In my Phone app "Recents" section, for some recents calls I can see :
The number
The city or country, and date
In that case, I don't know for sure but probably its just a simple area code look up.
- Edited
I don't see a reference to a local database of phone prefixes.
I did some research. The Phone app seems to be named Dialer on AOSP :
- The Android Telecom framework manages audio and video calls on an Android device.
- Screen calls. The spam check need network verification.
But too much information there.
It look more interesting here in the spam section :
void reportSpamFromCallHistory(
String number,
String countryIso,
int callType,
ReportingLocation.Type from,
ContactSource.Type contactSourceType);
An input to the discussion from someone more technical would be useful.
People looking at the source code use something better than the search field "Go to file" on Github ?
Don't know if it's a Google limitation but I can't use the search function in