• [deleted]

Eirikr70 look, honestly, I am not bothered by it. What ticks me off is that some ppl can't remember 5 important digits (or 4 to be exact)

trilogy6202 To be fair it is indeed only based on "entropy" but I think you're misunderstanding the term or thinking it's only about password length.

Choosing a logical pattern to create a 5 digit password from a character set of 30 will always have a lower entropy than a randomly chosen 5 digit password from the same character set.


Because password entropy is determined by the number of possibilities a password can be created from a specified character set.

Now by applying a logical pattern you're reducing the number of possible passwords created (and therefore the entropy) using a specified character set since not all 5 digit passwords follow your logic and have to be discarded from the possible pool of passwords.

Practical example:
Password conditions (my created logic):

  • 5 digits

  • ends with even number

  • starts with a letter

  • lowercase Latin alphabet

This gives us 363 * 26 * 5 possible passwords.

Possibilities for passwords chosen at random are:
365 (which is a larger number).

As you can see choosing a random password from the same character gives you always a higher entropy.

Password entropy doesn't mean password length!

The following passwords chosen randomly: "password" and "bgpxoqky" have the same entropy if chosen from the same set of possible passwords.

[deleted] The only thing I said is that they aren't as secure if chosen from the same set of possibilities.

architekt maybe stay on topic of the thread and not hijack it with your personal beliefs on password security?

What a pity ! But let's respect a minimum disciplin.

Buy yubikey key. At leat a pair. Programm both for same static password. It can be 36 lengh long. I thinkk thats better idea. So u no need to remember it. Just unlock your phone via yubikey