matchboxbananasynergy I would like a feature to hide GrapheneOS boot animation... You know its one of the few optical things giving away what os youre on.
matchboxbananasynergy I would like a feature to hide GrapheneOS boot animation... You know its one of the few optical things giving away what os youre on.
[deleted] I'm just a moderator, not a decision maker for the project, so don't take what I say as a final word, but I'm pretty sure I recall something like this has been requested/discussed before.
The issue is just removing the logo won't do much if someone who knows what they're doing really takes a look at the phone. Before booting, a hash is displayed and it's not hard to determine the OS is GrapheneOS. If they get into recovery, the name "GrapheneOS" shows up instead of generic "Android" (I haven't checked, but saw it was rebranded on GitHub, so I think I should be right about this part). If someone either gets the phone while it's unlocked, or can unlock it somehow, figuring out the OS is very simple because of preinstalled apps, features, etc.
I don't know this for sure, but I think it probably isn't possible to give users the option to change the boot logo in AOSP. Maybe GrapheneOS developers could add that functionality, but considering someone with access to the phone can figure it out anyway, I'm unsure what benefit it would have.
other8026 Don't get me wrong, this is not a sophisticated defense. I know auto reboot was accessible without authentification because of the same arguments.
Its a superficial "defense" and don't hate me i don't know but i would say a setting for disabling boot animation isn't difficult to implement.
Since sometimes when i take my phone out of my pocket my phone is in the middle of a auto reboot the flashing and not really overseeable boot animation gives away immediatly that i am using GrapheneOS. I don't like that.
I'm not only against this due to it being trivial for someone to see you're using GrapheneOS (e.g. via the boot hash while booting), but I also think it's extremely important to ensure GrapheneOS is not stigmatized, and not being something people have to hide using. It's an open source privacy and security project. Because it works, people in all walks of life are going to be using it, same as something like the Tor Browser.
I mention Tor, because it has, and still has a bunch of stigma associated with its use, exactly because people assume that if you're using it, you must be doing so for nefarious purposes. The "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" crowd would love for projects like Tor and GrapheneOS to start trying to mask themselves, as it furthers the narrative that only sketchy people would want to use them.
I understand you might not like this response, or your unique situation might not permit this, but I encourage everyone to be loud and proud about using things like GrapheneOS and Tor. Privacy and security for everyone should be normalized, not something people hide.
You could put on a privacy screen so no one nearby can see the display but you.
Like the above user said a privacy screen would work, however I know where you're coming from and you want it removed when loading up, realistically though it won't do much good as there are other ways to identify that it is using GrapheneOS like the Moderator had said.
[deleted] I have a privacy screen and idk what privacy screen you are using but saying "nobody besides u can see your screen" is false statement!!
Famous A privacy screen makes it difficult to see your screen from a certain angle in certain light. Thats is far away from a proper solution.
Famous Read my reply to the moderator...
[deleted] I mean, you can control when it auto reboots. Do it in the early hours of the morning whilst you sleep. How much of a slim chance is it that you happen to take out your phone just whilst the GrapheneOS logo us showing, whilst having someone who is watching, and that same someone is someone who will do you some kind of harm for having Graphene in the first place?
If this is all within the realms of reality for you and your threat model, and you have an extremely regular auto boot, then a more prudent option would be to mind when you take out your phone in the first place.
[deleted] Explain your threat model and why you want to hide the fact that you're using GrapheneOS (it's not possible to hide it) autostart is set to 18h by default, it should never automatically restart in a normal situation where you use your phone at least 2 times a day for even 30 seconds. As written above, privacy should be normalized, not stigmatized.
Xtreix My auto reboot time isn't anyones buisness. I can say it's not set 18h (default). Anyone telling me that i cannot hide the fact i am using GrapheneOS is right. But why give it away for spying eyes and cameras?
mmmm Youre right, i should't take even more precautions. Its not a must have feature no.
[deleted] But why give it away for spying eyes and cameras?
Which eyes and which spy cameras? If you think that using GrapheneOS can harm you then there's a much more serious problem to consider here, the only advice I can give you is to use a VPN and then use Google's standard servers for connection checks so that your device appears as a regular Android device and blends in with the billions of other Android devices.
Xtreix Using it won't harm me in that way, but it would open up directed targeted exploitation and cause suspection. Also that arey current settings youve mentioned.
[deleted] but it would open up directed targeted exploitation and cause suspection.
You're not basing your opinion on facts, and GrapheneOS protects itself very well against physical and remote exploitation.
It seems that you should first study what a threat model is :
Xtreix If someone knows i am using GrapheneOS they can make attacks based on that knowledge. Using a secure operating system is causing suspection. What have u missed? Straight facts.
Assumptions and suppositions are no facts.
I'd say that this discussion has run out of juice.
"run out of juice" you should have used that in op's thread about removing the usb port.
[deleted] If someone knows i am using GrapheneOS they can make attacks based on that knowledge.
Why? Are you being actively targeted by a government agency or organization that wants to exploit specifically your phone? To my knowledge, no GrapheneOS user or any custom phone OS user has ever been targeted simply for using a custom OS. Then again, maybe you really are as big of a target so as to have exploits made against you because someone saw a GrapheneOS boot splash screen that displays for a few seconds.
If you're not protecting yourself from an actual threat, you have no threat. I would suggest developing a threat model for your use case as you seem to be entering "privacy paranoia." There needs to be a credible and realistic threat to protect yourself from, and no toggle or switch will apply to any or all threat models.