I use as few apps as possible and always try to use pre-installed apps.
I've also tested Google's keyboard under GrapheneOS before.
My experience with the pre-installed keyboard in GOS:
Assuming everything is configured correctly, word suggestions and corrections work quite well.
Incorrect suggestions and corrections always happen, but the keyboard learns from you!
So you need to use the keyboard as often as possible and initially look carefully at what is suggested to you as the next word and tap on it when you see, the right one is one of the suggestions.
This way, the algorithm knows that the suggestion was good and remembers it for the next time!
The more often a term is used, the faster the keyboard learns your vocabulary.
Sometimes the algorithm only realises that a word or phrase is your favourite after it has been used several times. So don't lose patience straight away ...
Even if the database for Danish were empty - your used vocabulary fills the database or the algorithm uses your preferences and it works really well over time.
I initially had problems with suggestions and spelling correction for the second language (English).
This was due to my not yet perfect configuration.
Since I have set everything (!) correctly in the GOS keyboard settings, it works perfectly.
The word suggestions for the foreign language (for me: English) are particularly useful, as I only have to type the beginning of complicated words slowly and then see that I have thought of the right word and only have to tap on it.
My personal tip: Don't give up too early! Give the AOSP keyboard a chance – it's worth it!
P. S.: If you prefer another keyboard – my tip matches actually to all keyboards, every keyboard algorithm first has to learn your preferred words to support you perfectly. ;-)