I'm trying to find a good way to get a non VoIP number to use for scummy services like chatgpt.

I'm thinking the best way to do this is to get an eSIM and pay with giftcard, or just get another physical SIM and swap it out when needed.

Its my understanding that you only need to temporarily install GPS to active an eSIM, but for someone who doesn't have GPS, and never has, are there any potential privacy leaks that could happen while doing this process? IMEI going to google or something?

So yeah, what option would you privacy people choose if you were in my shoes? Thanks.

Why would it matter if its VoIP? You know that even mobile numbers are VoIP when you select VoLTE or VoWifi?

  • east replied to this.

    intelligence Some services don't accept VoIP numbers for verification. And yes I am aware of that, my current phone number is VOLTE and has not worked for verification for some services.