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  • Using device as a security key

How do you use your pixel with graphene as a security key? I've read about it being used for Google account but are there anymore 3rd party apps or websites that can use this?

And how?

Also does it work with graphene

13 days later

Titan_M2 my wild guess is that not many people want to try to interface their phone with an actual google account.

You could try and report back.

    Chalko Yeah I wanted to know beforehand so I don't have to buy a separate key.

    a month later

    I've seen some repos about this on GitHub, but none of them are offering a compiled apk release.
    I really wish GrapheneOS would make a standalone app for using phone secure enclave as FIDO2 security key via NFC/Bluetooth without signing up to a third party service (IDMelon for example)

      8 months later


      This conversation started in 2023. I would like to address it today Feb 2024. I to am interested in using a security Key for 2FA---U2F