bayesian I know that Vanadium supports opensearch (I got several search engines to work in Vanadium). I am trying to get Random SearX ( to be included as a search engine in Vanadium. As you can see by the changelog (, they implemented opensearch protocol ( in 2019. Yet I've tried visiting the page and even visiting a opensearch query to it ( to no avail. What I am doing wrong? (PS: I am visiting from a normal tab, not anonymous)
MetropleX It appears from the XML that like you need to set the HTTP request method as GET as opposed to POST to be able to add it: <Url type="text/html" method="get"
Eirikr70 I don't know if that answer can be generalized, but I have made researches with my own searxng instance, and vanadium had proposed that instance as my default search engine.
bayesian Eirikr70 Yes, it works for searX instances, but I cannot make it work for the Random SearX ( There are no settings page for post/get configs.
MetropleX bayesian I have experimented around and unfortunately as the Random instance page isn't the actual service providing the search URL but the instances themselves are, only they will be able to be added to Vanadium.
bayesian MetropleX Thanks! At least feel comforting that I was on the right track on the things that I was experimenting to try to add it.