Hi, all.

I've recently migrated to GrapheneOS on a pixel 6a, everything is working as expected, os is super smooth, most banking/card apps are working in sandboxed google service.

Just one thing which bothers me is that the annoying stretching effect, I know it's android related and nothing to do with Graphene OS, but after some search I found out that it is no way to disable that edge effect beside turning all animations off.

Just curious if anyone else is annoyed by this effect, and if it is possible to implement a kill switch just for turning off that single effect...

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    wokika1772 where exactly are you experiencing this edge stretching problem? Could you describe it in more detail?

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      wokika1772 well, as you said, you can turn animations off. But it's really funny that you don't find the scrolling itself annoying when your eyes actually have to do more work following the objects as they they scroll through the screen. I personally find the wobbly edge effect helpful.