Thyself8991 Could this be an issue, for example when traveling? Can network operators push apps to our phones? If yes, can Auditor notice it? Would a reset and new installation remove the apps?
Thyself8991 flawedworld There are people reporting this kind of activity. Google is as well. "A properly signed carrier app can either be preloaded in the system image, installed automatically, or manually installed through an app store."
flawedworld Thyself8991 GrapheneOS has no facility allowing this. We don't ship OMA-DM support or anything like that.
Oggyo FYI, today I noticed Aurora Store offered me an upgrade of SIM Manager by Google LLC A quick check show only two including system apps: Sim app dialogue SIM Tool Kit Just wondering where this SIM Manager came from. The eSIM support? GPServices?
flawedworld Oggyo This is part of GrapheneOS and is disabled by default and gets enabled if you choose to use the eSIM compatibility layer.
Oggyo flawedworld I see. Just wondering whether should I ignore or approve the update of SIM Manager (by Google LLC). My P6a is fully up to date, GPServices, too, but Aurora still offers me an update for SIM Manager (by Google LLC from Mar-2, 2023).
treequell Oggyo I don't know why Aurora Store offers you that update. Even if you try to update it through Aurora Store, you will discover that it's impossible. Aurora Store doesn't have the privileges required to do that.
Oggyo treequell Hmm, I think I found out why Aurora suggests that. Looks like I toggled Aurora's settings - Settings | Updates | Extended Updates. This will look for disabled apps, too. And you mentioned earlier it's disabled if you don't engage eSIM.