Hello, I must admit that this is not the dedicated place for asking that question, but I think it is a good place for getting a good answer. So this is my problem :
Element (Matrix client) has at least two version. One integrated with Google services for notifications, published on GitHub, the other stand alone, available through f-droid. I have installed the first one through Obtainium before I noticed it required Google services. Then I tried to uninstall it, while keeping my data, to opt for that of f-droid. But it always fail during the install process. How should I do, given that I can't get rid of my data, that includes the private keys of my account ?
Re-installing Element
- Edited
I don't recall the specifics: create a backup of encryption keys on server and at some point in the process it creates a recovery passphrase; record the passphrase.
When you log in to fresh install of app it will ask for passphrase; your encrypted chats will be restored.
Element works without play services BTW; you wont have push notifications is all. And you will see missing play services error when first launching.