A clarification is to be made.
You don't need GPS in order to install apps from google play store. You can get apps from the google play repository by using Aurora Store, without installing GPS or having a google account. Many apps from the playstore don't actually require GPS to be present.
You can also install Aurora in your main profile, and copy it over to secondary profile, and then within the secondary profile just install APP A or B in that profile directly from Aurora Store.
If your app "needs" GPS, then you can install GPS on that profile before installing the app.
How you manage it really depends on how much you care about privacy and app isolation, so its not a clear-cut answer that fits everyone.
I'd recommend not to install GPS on your owner profile. One reason is that when its installed on a secondary profile, you have the option of "end session" on that profile which fully terminates GPS from running when you don't need it, which saves you battery and maybe privacy.
If your 2 apps actually require GPS to be present and running, AND your 2 apps must be isolated from each other, then you can also create a 3rd profile. Install GPS on profile 2 and 3. Have app A on profile 2, and have app B on profile 3. Your main profile will be safe from GPS and you have the option to terminate those apps and their GPS instance when you don't need them running.
Keeping GPS running on multiple profiles to a minimum is advisable as each instance drains your battery. So its a good practice to combine your "GPS needing" apps in such a way to minimize your number of concurrent profiles running GPS.
Its also advisable to limit the number of concurrently running profiles because each running profile increases battery use (even without GPS).