• General
  • Disabling permission to use sensors.

What happens if I disable the permission to use sensors for all non-system apps? I see that the sensors of system apps cannot be disabled, but for example many apps com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim seem to be system apps, but they can be disabled.


    What will happen? Probably nothing, to be honest. But it's not a good idea to modify the permissions of system apps, even if you're allowed to change them.

    Permission to sensors is pre-granted because (from the website):

    To avoid breaking compatibility with Android apps, the added permission is enabled by default. When an app attempts to access sensors and receives zeroed data due to being denied, GrapheneOS creates a notification which can be easily disabled. The Sensors permission can be set to be disabled by default for user installed apps in Settings ➔ Privacy.

    Excuse my ignorance, but could someone fill a n00b in on what exactly "sensors" do? IE what functionality would I disable if I disabled sensors not for system apps, but installed apps? I noticed that pretty much each installed app has sensors enabled. Would it deactivate the screen typing or anything of sorts?