I am always getting a notification from playstore to update play services. Can i update it through there or should i wait for graphene os app apps to have an update. The notification is getting pretty annoying on my second user. Thats why I am writing.
Thanks 4 answers!


    Don't update it through Google Play Store. You might be able to go to Google Play Store and indicate to ignore all updates for Play Services (and Google Play Store and Framework by the way)


    If your phone is up to date with a recent version, then yes, you can update Google Play stuff from Google Play Store.

    Not sure when, but they've recently changed how all this works. Maybe a month or two ago? Something, I believe GmsCompat, sets a maximum allowed version number for Google Play Services and Store.

    See this comment from one of the devs: https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/2841-how-to-revert-play-store-to-apps-version/2

    Since recently, Play Store became the primary way of updating Play services and Play Store.

    Updates through Apps app usually arrive later.