When it comes to voice over protocol these are the two names that are frequently spoken of.
More so jmp.chat. My issue with this companies site/presentation is that it appears to be something pulled and held together. As an uninformed individual when you hear 'The easiest way is to make a call from your Jabber client, if you are using a supporting client such as Cheogram for Android, Conversations*, Snikket, Movim, or Gajim'.... I have to use multi 3rd party support to make a phone call. I also have to add in an @ symbol at the end of text messages in order to send pics/textes....
Looking at mysudo...Nothing like that is happening. It appears to be more so the complete package. Closest thing to the most user friendly platform there is ? Not trying to up the idea of mysudo. Simply judging from whats being presented on there sites. Please folks. I am just trying to figure out here which would be the most user friendly version of an VoIp Service.
Thank You,
Love Ya'll!