Graphite The real world history tells a different story of unregulated capitalism
And closer to the focus of this forum, look at Apple's ecosystem and app store, music store and phone (iOS) lockdowns. They have made billions because of their greedy behaviour.
Suggested reading for anyone in this thread: Chokepoint Capitalism
In Chokepoint Capitalism, scholar Rebecca Giblin and writer and activist Cory Doctorow argue we're in a new era of “chokepoint capitalism,” with exploitative businesses creating insurmountable barriers to competition that enable them to capture value that should rightfully go to others.
Chokepoint Capitalism
This book was the first purchased content I loaded onto my new phone with GrapheneOS.
On my blacker days though, I do imagine that Google is watching GrapheneOS and making it more difficult for alternate OSs, by their code and framework changes.
GrapheneOS devs have stated that they expect Google will fix their camera software permissions (SELINUX) problem to allow the camera software to work properly on Pixels. Personally, I don't see expect they will if it makes their cameras properly usable on P7s (but would be thrilled to be wrong about this). Having their high-performing cameras work on OS's that make it easier to block Google and no watch their ads is clearly not in Google's business interests.