• [deleted]

Hi guys,

I have had the item "System (Wakelock)" under "Battery Usage" for quite some time with a total of 1% and a current usage of 2 hrs 41 min.
I find this very strange, because in stock I never had this item.
In general, I use the device very little, the last full charge was 2 days ago and it is mostly lying around in standby.
I also only use two apps in everyday use, such as Spotify and WhatsApp.
Both are set to "Optimized" under Battery Usage.

I have a habit of exiting apps completely after each use, could this be contributing to the "wakelock" popping up?

    [deleted] Hi there. You can read the documentation about WakeLock here:

    I'm no developer but I suppose that if you are leaving your phone idle most of the time, some apps will need to implement WakeLock from time-to-time. 1% battery drain after 2 days doesn't sound so much to me. I'm not sure why this shows for you now on GrapheneOS and not before on stock. Am I correct in thinking that if something has less than 1% batter usage, it doesn't show in battery usage at all?

    Just some thoughts I had.

    • [deleted]

    Thanks a lot for your reply!
    I just find it strange then that I didn't have any "problems" with the stock OS....

    • [deleted]

    • Edited

    I wanted to mention that no Google services are installed.