Dear forum,
I recently started having the problem on my Pixel 7 with the current GOS version that I can no longer authenticate myself in the “Business” profile (from Shelter) with my fingerprint via the keystore.
Various error messages appear when trying to set up the fingerprint as an authentication method in KeepassDX Libre (from the F-Store):
Key user not authenticated (internal Keystore code: -26 mes...
Fingerprint for device unlock was not e...
Invalid operation handle (internal Keystore code: -28 message: sys...
When I try to open my banking app using the fingerprint sensor, I get the message:
Sorry, we were unable to enable the use of the biometric print. Please try again later.
And the Proxmox Virtual Environment app reports this error:
Could not establish connection: AuthException{code: AuthExceptionCode.unknown, message: Unexpecrted authentification error.null}
But all this only happens on the “business” side of Shelter on my Pixel 7 with GOS. On the “private” side I can log in everywhere with the fingerprint sensor without any problems.
Does anyone know this problem and possibly have a solution for me? Thank you.