- Edited
Here's an update from me: I put off the Sim Card out of my Pixel and put it into my old Samsung phone (bought 3 years back) and: it is also continuously keeping up 4G connection!
This means: it is not an issue of my GrapheneOS.
The thing is: for 5 years I have dealt with possible harm to human beings by RF frequencies also on business, for I have several RF Meters and gadget to measure type and strength of radio radiation signals.
A few months back when using 4G on my Pixel, I had put almost every app into standby when not actively used / in background and I managed my phone usually only connecting with mobile station antennas for a short time every 3 to 5 minutes, which was great, because when carrying phone in pocket the radiation beam stress for the body had been reduced to minimum, and I felt safe with my health.
Now, I found out, when still using 4G, it had changed with both Pixel 8 and my old Samsung (which also had been not keeping up connecting all the time a few months back). Interesting is also, even when Mobile data is switched off, the 4G connection still is continuously keeping up connection with antenna towers and sending little data around each second! So this seems to be an issue of the new 4G system. Only way out 4 me is to put phone into flight mode when wearing in pocket.
With my old phone, I can switch to: only 2G use, and when I also switch off mobile data, then it is silent regarding radiation for around 5 to 8 minutes, and people can ring me up anyway in this old 2G mode, but this is not an option for my Pixel.
Looks like I have answered my question for myself.
If you find a way out against Pixel phone continuously keeping up radiation connection in 4G mode, please let me know!