Does anyone know of an open source application to encrypt files on Android, something like EDS lite, I don't trust it very much, almost no one talks about it, maybe a file compressor with encryption like 7zip, I don't know, something that encrypts files in general, I saw one called photok, what do you think?

    Cryptomator might be the only reasonably safe option. You can buy a license on Proxystore and it’s downloadable on Accrescent.

      cryptomator all the way for android at least

      Hesao This means that you have to buy the license so the application has access to the internet, well, since it's for the cloud, I really wanted something offline, maybe I'll disable the network for it.

      How about using the kdbx format? Get something like Keepassdx and use its attachment feature to encrypt files.

        There's DroidFS. It allows you to mount gocryptfs and CryFS-encrypted volumes, which work closs-platform with desktop operating systems. Unlike Cryptomator, it's also free. Note, however, that gocryptfs does not obfuscate file sizes, while CryFS can. Depending on your threat model, that may or may not be necessary. If you have to go the CryFS route, it's probably best to take a step away from your phone and brew a cup of coffee while moving files to/from the volume, as it's very slow lol.

        Cryptomator also doesn't obfuscate file sizes.

        It works if you're attaching small files in KeePassDX, but if you're trying to attach files that are over, say, 512 MiB, it's very likely to crash before it's done attaching. At least, that's my experience.


          Just a quick side question and just for the sake of understanding: By "proxystore" you basically mean services that offer something like proxing online shopping in general or are you referring especially to this one (the first result which showed up searching for "Proxystore"):

          And if the later - no offense intended - are you connected to the store in any way? I had noticed that you had also recommended "proxystore" in another discussion:

          Hesao If I delete the application or change devices, will the license key work again or do I have to buy the license again?

          and about this proxy store I found it interesting they also sell for muvald vpn thanks I discovered something interesting, you use it frequently there is a lot of stuff there

          julia is it possible to open the fs droif folder in the vaults application for Linux?

          julia It also uses these algorithms that you said.

          I wouldn't see there being any harm in trying.

          julia Do you think I can open the files on both Android and Linux platforms?

          I haven't tried the Linux application you're referring to, but I know from experience gocryptfs and CryFS volumes work cross-platform when I used the official gocryptfs and CryFS packages in the terminal.