Hello everyone, long story short, I have ADHD, and I was arguing with a friend while trying to unlock my phone. I kept entering the wrong password without noticing, to the point where I started doubting myself about what it was (I have several PIN codes that I use daily). I was actually entering the wrong one, but now that I've recalled them, I think I could find the correct PIN in a couple of tries. However, right now I have to wait about 30 minutes between each attempt, and it's kind of annoying at this point. So does this timer reset at some point or will I get to the point i'll have to wai 1 week inbetween each attempt lmao
Does the time to wait between PIN code reset after some time?
Goldfishbehavior So does this timer reset at some point or will I get to the point i'll have to wai 1 week inbetween each attempt lmao
It will reset when you have entered your correct PIN. There is no other way to reset it, as that throttling is an important security feature to prevent brute-force attacks by someone who has taken your device or are using it without your permission.
Fair enough, even though 30 minutes seems like an ungodly long amount of time, even for the sake of preventing brute force. Thanks for the quick answer! :)
Goldfishbehavior in case you want to give up trying with attempts at unlocking your but still want to reclaim its use, you can factory reset from recovery. This will of course wipe all data on device, but you will be able to use set it up and use it again.