Hi there I have a pixel 6a running latest instance of GrapheneOS (as they get released). A number of occasions I've caught my phone doing a reboot on its own. E.g. I could have been using it to browse or check email and then 10 minutes later I see it's rebooting.

I wonder what is the best way to try and debug what might be causing this?

I do have the phone set to reboot if unused for 24hrs but it never goes more than the length I sleep between uses :)

I have the same issue with Pixel 7, did you find any solution to your problem?

    Mwk we have this issue on nearly every device. It's not a full reboot

      Nuttso sometimes it happens while using the phone. Some sort of ui crash maybe

      Just FYI I never experienced this on my Pixel 7 Pro (and hopefully won't do)


      same problem here, since quite a while.
      It usually happens multiple times after a reboot. At some point it "stabilizes" and runs for days without rebooting, usually until after the next reboot after update.

      I observe that often, when it comes up, the mobile network is not available. In Settings -> Network & Internet -> "Calls & SMS" and "SIM" are grayed out. Need multiple manual reboots to get mobile network connectivity back.

      Managed to get a reboot while being connected to logcat:

      [ 11-23 12:37:43.759 1204: 6569 D/TelephonyManager ]requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=1800241 mSleepTimeMs=1619956 mIdleTimeMs=55758 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[379, 17, 261, 57, 20],mRxTimeMs=112186}]}
      [ 11-23 12:37:43.769 1204: 1540 E/system_server ]Cannot read thread CPU times for PID 1204
      [ 11-23 12:37:48.900 834: 834 I/android.hardware.health-service.gs101 ]Recording a sample at time 1805
      [ 11-23 12:37:48.910 1: 383 F/hardened_malloc ]fatal allocator error: invalid free within a slab yet to be used
      [ 11-23 12:37:48.934 1: 383 F/libc ]Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 383 (init), pid 1 (init)
      [ 11-23 12:37:48.997 6621: 6621 E/cutils-trace ]Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
      [ 11-23 12:37:49.002 6622: 6622 W/crash_dump64 ]failed to attach to thread 1: Operation not permitted
      [ 11-23 12:37:49.002 6622: 6622 E/crash_dump64 ]failed to interrupt 1 to detach: No such process
      [ 11-23 12:37:49.002 6622: 6622 W/crash_dump64 ]failed to ptrace interrupt thread 1: No such process
      [ 11-23 12:37:49.002 6622: 6622 F/crash_dump64 ]crash_dump.cpp:485] failed to attach to thread 383: Operation not permitted
      [ 11-23 12:37:49.005 659: 659 I/tombstoned ]received crash request for pid 383
      [ 11-23 12:37:49.005 659: 659 E/tombstoned ]unexpected dump type: kDebuggerdAnyIntercept
      [ 11-23 12:37:49.005 659: 659 E/tombstoned ]failed to get crash output for type kDebuggerdAnyIntercept
      [ 11-23 12:37:49.006 6622: 6622 E/libc ]failed to read response to DumpRequest packet: No message of desired type
      [ 11-23 12:37:49.006 6622: 6622 E/crash_dump64 ]failed to connected to tombstoned to report failure

      I replaced the pixel I had for a brand new one, flashed GOS again and it seems to be working fine for now. Do you think this is more hardware related or some bug in the software?

      7 days later

      I have a similar issue. I bought my pixel 6 brand new a few months ago. Installed GrapheneOS right away. Sometimes it will reboot immediately upon unlocking in the morning. It also seems to reboot much more often if the temperature is cold, but not the extreme cold that would cause my prior phones to reboot at. I always keep my battery fairly charged so it isn't related to that. Also have had trouble trying to use "Basemap" app, with the constant unprovoked rebooting.

      5 days later

      I'm having the same issue. Pixel 6, I installed GrapheneOS the day I received the phone. I get seemingly random reboots 3-4 times a day.

      3 months later

      My Pixel 7 Pro just rebooted itself in front of me. It is fully charged, locked and I don't have auto reboot enabled.
      It was a soft reboot, started with Graphene OS logo right away.

      This is the first time happened, but very concerning. I bought a new phone a month ago.

      • [deleted]

      Couple of moths ago I experienced maybe three times this kind of reboot on my Pixel 6a. As I don't use many apps and in all cases the only app that was in background was browser, I started with uninstalling that browser, which was at the time Firefox Klar (which is german version of Firefox Focus) and since than I haven't experienced this kind of reboot. I haven't installed that browser again to check if the issue would reappear... Maybe that could help anyone.


        I'm also getting unprompted 6a reboots. Only VPN and browser (Fennec FDroid, which is FF) running (6-8 tabs open, max). I set the 6a down, come back to is, and the device has rebooted.

        There are bug reports of similar issues to what I'm seeing. Do these sound familiar to you? : https://github.com/GrapheneOS/os-issue-tracker/issues/1960 and https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/2310-random-shutdowns-on-5a-since-last-os-update/35

        ... they are being labeled as "upstream android issue" from what I can tell.