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  • GBoard - Faster Voice Typing Button not present


I would like to activate faster voice typing in GBoard on a Pixel 6a. But in GBoard settings, the option is not present.

First, only a button for using voice typing was there. Than I activated Google Franework, Play Services and Store and now Assistant voice typing etc. show up. But still not Faster Voice Typing.

Do you know a solution for this case?

Thanks and best regards!

thank you for the hint.
Unfortunately, I could not find a solution so far.
I did activate Play Services etc. as adviced and voice typing assistant or option for sending snippets to google appeared. But faster voice typing did not.
Best regards

    Thank you! Yes, all three packages but speech services not. I'll try that.
    Thank you

    I downloadef speech services, downloaded a language package, reinstalled Gboard but unfortunately nothing changed.
    Thanks again and best regards

    23 days later

    Sorry for answering to an old reply. On my Pixel 6a, the toggle for "faster voice typing" is only available if in gboard-settings one of the languages is set to English (USA). A second language (i.e. German) can be added and voice typing then works for both languages offline when in airplane mode. (Note: offline-files have to be downloaded in the background; there is no notification when gboard starts/progresses/finishes)

    Great, thank you, that soultion works for me. 😃