Trying to migrate to GrapheneOS, at the stage of moving work-related apps over, and among them, I need OpsGenie, its an on-call management app by Atlassian, so doesn't surprise me it doesnt work.

For my work profile, I'm just using play services directly instead of aurora or anything else and managing permissions I want blocked for the profile as a whole.

Here's the specific error:

And app info (hardware is pixel 9):

I've skimmed through FAQ which specify hardware-backed keystores are available on grapheneos, so trying to figure what might be making shitlassian fail to detect it. Enabling "Exploit Protection Compability Mode" doesnt change the outcome.

I'm not non-technical, but I am very new to hardened mobile roms and security tweaks on mobile, I apologize if I'm missing something obvious.

Go to the app permissions for the app and tap the three dots in the upper right corner to view all permissions. One of those might help.

You might also/instead need to set the app as a Device Admin App. That is under Security & Privacy -> More

Hmm, no luck.
Permissions are the same as on my original device.
And device admin apps doesnt list opsgenie as enabled/disabled, nor on source device.

For verbosity, here are app error logs, but I dont think anything stands out.

type: logcat
osVersion: google/tokay/tokay:15/AP4A.241205.013/2024121200:user/release-keys
userType: full.secondary
package: com.ifountain.opsgenie:30808091, targetSdk 34
buffers: main,system,crash,events,kernel
level: error

--------- beginning of main
12-18 18:34:23.128 32301 32301 E untain.opsgenie: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
12-18 18:34:23.193 32301 32301 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
12-18 18:34:23.285 32301 32301 E com.ifountain.opsgenie: Unable to find pattern file or unable to map it for am
12-18 18:34:23.488 32301 32359 E com.ifountain.opsgenie: No package ID 77 found for resource ID 0x770b000f.
12-18 18:34:23.488 32301 32359 E com.ifountain.opsgenie: No package ID 77 found for resource ID 0x770b000f.
12-18 18:34:24.151 32301 32372 E DrmHalHidl: Failed to find passthrough drm factories
12-18 18:34:24.233 32301 32301 E WebViewLibraryLoader: can't load with relro file; address space not reserved

And warnings, filtered for the word "key":

type: logcat
osVersion: google/tokay/tokay:15/AP4A.241205.013/2024121200:user/release-keys
userType: full.secondary
package: com.ifountain.opsgenie:30808091, targetSdk 34
buffers: main,system,crash,events,kernel
level: warn
filterRegex: (key)

--------- beginning of main
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: keyset not found, will generate a new one
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: can't read keyset; the pref value __androidx_security_crypto_encrypted_file_keyset__ does not exist
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at$
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at$Builder.readOrGenerateNewKeyset(
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at$
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at$
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.filestore.cache.EncryptedDiskPersistentCache.getEncryptedFile(DiskPersistentCache.kt:182)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.filestore.cache.EncryptedDiskPersistentCache.writeInternal$datakit_file_store_android_release(DiskPersistentCache.kt:190)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.filestore.cache.DiskPersistentCache.writeStream(DiskPersistentCache.kt:66)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.filestore.cache.DiskPersistentCache.set(DiskPersistentCache.kt:62)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.filestore.cache.DiskPersistentCache.set(DiskPersistentCache.kt:31)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.filestore.BlockingFileStoreImpl.putInternal(BlockingFileStoreImpl.kt:93)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.filestore.BlockingFileStoreImpl.put(BlockingFileStoreImpl.kt:79)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.filestore.ConcurrentFileStore$put$1.invoke(ConcurrentFileStore.kt:68)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.filestore.ConcurrentFileStore$put$1.invoke(ConcurrentFileStore.kt:67)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.coroutines.MultiMutexImpl.withLock(MultiMutex.kt:103)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.filestore.ConcurrentFileStore$blocking$1.invokeSuspend(ConcurrentFileStore.kt:26)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.EventLoopImplBase.processNextEvent(EventLoop.common.kt:277)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.BlockingCoroutine.joinBlocking(Builders.kt:95)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt__BuildersKt.runBlocking(Builders.kt:69)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.runBlocking(Unknown Source:1)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt__BuildersKt.runBlocking$default(Builders.kt:48)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.runBlocking$default(Unknown Source:1)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.filestore.ConcurrentFileStore.blocking$datakit_file_store_android_release(ConcurrentFileStore.kt:25)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.filestore.ConcurrentFileStore.put(ConcurrentFileStore.kt:67)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.securestore.SecureStoreImpl2.putInternal(SecureStoreImpl2.kt:224)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.securestore.SecureStoreImpl2.performStabilityCheck(SecureStoreImpl2.kt:259)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.datakit.securestore.SecureStoreImpl2.put(SecureStoreImpl2.kt:302)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.authentication.redux.StateStoreContainer._get_storeObservable_$lambda$0(StateStoreContainer.kt:23)
12-18 18:34:24.203 32301 32400 W AndroidKeysetManager: 	at com.atlassian.mobilekit.module.authentication.redux.StateStoreContainer.$r8$lambda$Vhf1SXLiedOKgshnp9KcyQdsoYM(Unknown Source:0)

Not sure what else it would log under, theres nothing else in Debug logs that mention key, and no mentions of "store" at all...

I don't have an account but the app start normally on my P6a
I don't have any error message.

Can someone with a P9 try the app ?

    NetRunner88 the hardware-backed keystore isnt a requirement for opening. It's an added requirement from the organization, so only enforced after sign-in.

    Sorry, I should've specified that earlier.