Hi Guys,
A have a few questions about privacy and hoping you could shed some light please as it is a little confusing. Apologises if this was answered elsewhere, I couldn't find it.
- If we install an app and revoke Network permissions, can the app still collect information / spy, etc on us? Can it still communicate with other apps and spy/send information to web somehow? If yes, what is the defence mechanism against it?
For example, I am using Nova Launcher, Google Camera and a few other closed source apps with revoked Network permissions, can they still spy?
The same question but with Google Play services installed: can an app with revoked Network permissions use Google Play services and send / receive telemetry/personal data (apart from push notifications)?
Generally, do apps communicate with each other or each app sees itself as the only app in the system (sandboxed) so cannot see what other apps are installed and communicate with them?
I have Google services installed and logged in to my account once to download an app I purchased. I then removed my Google account from the phone. Is it a big deal privacy-wise, i.e. will Sandboxed Google still keep some traces about my account to track my activities?
Is it a good idea to not change the default Graphene wallpaper (black one)? Will changing wallpaper affect privacy? I've heard that some websites can fingerprint using Android wallpaper but not sure if its a big deal or true?
Thanks a lot!