matchboxbananasynergy Thanks! I'll see if i can reproduce it...if i remove the notification on my Owner profile by swiping it away, it doesn't come back right away and doesn't always come back I dont think. But it has happened a few times now where I swipe it away, and later I come back to my phone and there it is again after I swipe it away.
Can you please tell me where i can find the notification forwarding settings? All i'm seeing is "Send notifications to current user". Is that what you're referring to?
Here's my profile setups:
Owner profile:
"Send notifications to current user": turned off
Has shelter setup with "Personal" and "Work" profiles:
Personal apps (some, not all):
Apps (installed: Auditor, Apps, Camera (disabled), GmsCompatConfig, PDF Viewer)
Web browsers
Google keyboard (no permissions allowed)
fdroid installed apps ("Not installed for this user" - installed on Google profile only)
Google Play ("Not installed for this user" - installed on Google profile only)
Google Play services ("Not installed for this user" - installed on Google profile only)
App Personal Notifications:
Apps (all notifications turned on for Apps)
some fdroid installed apps
Work apps
Apps (installed: Apps, GmsCompatConfig, Google Services Framework (for Google Camera) )
GmsCompatConfig (no permissions allowed)
Aurora Store,
Google Services Framework (for google camera) (no permissions allowed)
Google Camera (camera, microphone permissions)
Google keyboard
GmsCompatConfig (no permissions)
App Work Notifications
Apps (all notifcations turned on for Apps)
Google profile:
Almost everything in this profile is default
"Send notifications to current user": turned off
GmsCompat notification in the drop-down menu of this profile: "Sandboxed Google Play is running"
App Notifications:
Apps (all notifications turned on for Apps)
Device & app notifications:
GrapheneOS launcher allowed (all checked/turned on)
Google Play services Not allowed (nothing turned on)
Apps (no shelter profiles)
Apps (installed: Auditor, Apps, Camera, GmsCompatConfig, Pdf viewer, Google Play Store, Google Play Services, Google Services Framework) app
Other default standard apps (like messaging, phone, etc)
App permissions
Apps (network, notifications, sensors all allowed)
Auditor (network, notifications, sensors all allowed)
GmsCompatConfig (no permissions)
Google Play services (no permissions)
Google Play store (no permissions)
Google services framework (no permissions)
GrapheneOS launcher (notifications, sensors allowed)
Settings (all allowed)
Sandboxed Google Play settings (under settings -> apps menu, but NOT in the apps list. Has its own menu)
Reroute location requests to the OS: turned on (should this be on or off?? This might be the setting causing the notification on my owner profile??)
Google Location Accuracy (turned off)
Geolocation: "location access if off for all apps"
Push notifcations: "When device is idle, push notifications will be delayed to improve battery life.
Interestingly enough, while i was writing this out...I took a phone call, and after the phone call i noticed the GmsCompat notification is back "Sandboxed Google Play is running"!! I hadn't rebooted at all, and I haven't opened my google profile at all since I last swiped the GmsCompat notification away. Also, last time i used the google profile, i ended session...
**Another interesting thing...while stilll typing out this reply the GmsCompat Google Play notification is gone now! I didn't remove the notification. I noticed it came back (like i said above), and continued typing out this reply, and now its just gone. I never swiped it away.
I will look into doing a video, if i can find a way to make the notification come up on my owner profile. It seems to come and go on its own randomly, all while having my Google Profile session not running
Please let me know if any other settings are needed if any!
Thank you so much!!