
I recently upgraded to Pixel 8 Pro, as my old, albeit still perfectly functional Pixel 4XL was no longer being updated. However I can't seem to effectively deactivate the spell checker on my new phone. On my old phone it worked like a charm. I turned it off in the OS settings and never got autocorrected. On the new phone, I likewise turned the spell checker off, and it remains off, as I keep checking to make sure it didn't somehow get turned back on upon an OS update, but I still get constantly autocorrected.

I use Conversations.im to chat with my family and friends, as it's not only open source, but also decentralized, but while with some I communicate in English, I also use two other languages I speak. And typing in those is a real pain, to put it bluntly. It's just unreal how every other word gets constantly changed to the closest English sounding word, which has no meaning in the language I use at the time. I always have to double check after myself and even so many words go through autocorrected.

What have I missed? What am I doing wrong? Why can't I stop the spell checker on my new phone? Any helpful pointer that would ease my frustration would be warmly welcome.

Since you have not written anything else, I assume that you are using the pre-installed standard keyboard.

I can think of at least two ways in which the keyboard supports spelling correction:

1.) Settings> System> Keyboard> On-Screen Keyboard> Keyboard> Text correction> Auto correction.

If this setting is toggled on, the keyboard corrects supposed errors.

If you deactivate it and activate the show corrections suggestions toggle instead, the suggestions are displayed above the keyboard (if you activate both it shows the suggestion and autocorrects it).

2.) Settings> System> Keyboard> On-Screen Keyboard> Spell Checker

If the spell checker is activated, it underlines spelling mistakes in red.

If you change these settings, it can sometimes take a moment for them to take effect - at least that's the case for me.

    Murcielago You're a legend. It was the first setting which I still had turned on, so despite turning off the spell checker, I was getting auto corrected. But with the first setting changed as well, now I seem to be able to type in other languages without having the words changed. This is why GOS rocks. This community is amazingly helpful. Thank you so much :))