
In my profile without google play services/gmscompat, I installed MyFitnessPal through Aurora store anonymous session.
I recently did update of to version 24.46.1 versionCode 38116 and now it keeps on crashing

here is the crash log:

--------- beginning of crash
12-06 14:05:15.441  6598  6879 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: AdWorker(Default) #3
12-06 14:05:15.441  6598  6879 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.myfitnesspal.android, PID: 6598
12-06 14:05:15.441  6598  6879 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.SecurityException: Writable dex file '/data/user/0/com.myfitnesspal.android/cache/1664557424545.jar' is not allowed.
12-06 14:05:15.441  6598  6879 E AndroidRuntime: 	at dalvik.system.DexFile.openDexFileNative(Native Method)

The app does not crash on my profile with google play services regardless of if i install through google play store or through aurora. Although on this profile, i am logged into the play store app.

It did not behave this way before. Am I now forced to use it inside a profile with google play services?
I would love to get rid of it but i rely a lot on the feature to create meals as a collection of other foods whereas most other apps i tried allowed to make custom food as one meal item and then i couldnt adjust the quantities.


    twg Unless I'm mistaken, the error is caused by this upstream change: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/14/behavior-changes-14#safer-dynamic-code-loading

    If I were to guess, the issue is the app relies on Google Play for something (ads based on the AdWorker(Default) part?) and since Google Play isn't in the profile you're running the app in, they have some backup code but load it incorrectly, hence the error.

    I don't think there's anything that can be done on your end. You can report the crash to them and/or wait until they fix it, or use the app from a profile with Google Play installed.

    • twg likes this.

    Thank you, that's a bummer :(

    Should i edit the thread as 'resolved'?

    MyFitnessPal is very useful but the amount of data it collects about you makes me uncomfortable... Unfortunately there isn't really a solid alternative on Android. If you have an Apple device I've found Foodnoms to be quite good and it has a decent privacy policy. I believe it has the ability to create custom meals the way you want, I can't be sure though.

      +1 on waistline. It's a well thought out app.

      After using MFP for many many years I had to ditch it few years ago after it was purchased by the same venture company that bought and destroyed LogMeIn, then LastPass.

      I think there are better alternatives nowadays. I went to Cronometer - much more detailed reporting on your foods and vitamins.