P7Pro - Google Pixel Update removed USB connectivity and a bunch of menu items
Ben_Zene did you run the "update tool" or the "install fingerprint calibration software"? Many people don't see the proper option (myself included a few years ago)
DeletedUser87 Ah, I probably missed the proper option then - I think I ran only "update tool"....
.... actually, now I'm not sure. when I click on https://pixelrepair.withgoogle.com/udfps - that's the prompt I saw, which makes me think I ran "install fingerprint callibration" - I followed a link to the page itself, so I'm not 100% sure
Ben_Zene "only" lol, that tool should definitely not be used on GOS installs... I just hope that your USB bug is related to the general bug that is affecting Android 15 devices right now. Dev options disabled might be on the update tool, try to reenable them. For the fingerprint calibration: run the tools TWICE in a row before rebooting to system. It's known to be very buggy and I had the most success when running it twice.
Ben_Zene that's the prompt I saw
Yeah, the problem is: they all look the same. Google peak design right there.
I checked through that page again and I'm now pretty sure I only ran the fingerprint calibration, because the general "update" tool prompt has a warning to backup your data and I definitely didn't see that. So I ran the fingerprint calibration once, rebooted, and now I'm stuck with no USB. If you're right about the USB bug being a general one, I guess it might be unrelated and I just had a GOS update pending which triggered after I rebooted.
So for the USB bug I just need to wait for a general update and hope it fixes itself? I have no way of running the fingerprint calibration now (or anything else) until I can get the USB connection working, so there's not much else I can do, I guess :D
Once again in most cases this is a Hardware issue
Ben_Zene wait, the port/phone doesn't get recognized even in fastboot/recovery anymore? That would be a a hardware problem. Aside from that, I would suggest you complete the calibration of the fp if possible first.
Yes, the port is not recognized at all any more.
What I don't understand is that I don't see any options at all under settings regarding USB - I understand there should be something under security - that is what makes me think it is not purely a hardware issue?
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Ben_Zene in the "Exploit protection" should be an entry for USB-C. If the hardware can't be read/accessed by the kernel, it won't show up in software. I would usually suggest to make a backup and reflash, but if the port is not working even in fastboot, that might be a problem.