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  • How far are latest Samsung Galaxy s devices (like S24) from meeting rqms of GOS?

other8026 they're interested in the security features of Samsung phones

is there by chance a tool (apk) that checks if HW features from FAQ are present in the system?

    de0u and report back

    that was the whole point of OP asking for inputs from those who know

    I think the general concensus in the security community is that Google Pixel phones with GrapheneOS are the most secure, and the only ones that not even authorities can reliably break into. But Google Pixel running stock OS, as well as iPhones are very competitive and secure as well, so holding the second place. And then Samsung holds the third place, as being the only other phone producer that takes security very seriously.

    If one use any of those, and the phone is still within security support, one has made a very good choice from a security point of view.

    From a privacy point of view, only GrapheneOS would be good out of those, being the only one to offer privacy against the mobile phone producer. They all offer good privacy against other actors though.

    This is just what my impression of the general consensus is. I haven't compared these brands myself.

    mmobder sorry, I don't know and I don't know how to find that kind of information. For this kind of information, I rely on the expertise of the GrapheneOS developers. They say Samsung flagships are "close," so that's all I know. I don't know how "close," though.