Hey guys, I have software: ryot running on my home server, and recently (maybe after AOSP 15?) I noticed that the images on the site don't load, a problem that doesn't arise in any other instance (Android Firefox, PC Firefox etc.).

I've been through the site settings in Vanadium and allowed as much as I can, but nothing changes. Does anyone know what might've changed recently to cause this? Or how to solve it?

Thanks for your help!

    beppi I didn't look into this much at all, but it looks like their frontend is at least partially written in Rust, so I think it uses WebAssembly. Try going to the site, tap the two lines to the left of the address (in the address bar), tap permissions, enable JavaScript JIT, then refresh. Hopefully that'll fix it for you.

    I did try that, but apparently I didn't try turning off ad-blocking, because in the two-line menu next to the address bar I turned it off and everything's working fine. Not sure why the ad blocker is suddenly blocking those imagess though.

    Thanks for the help!