Grkrz [deleted] [deleted] Are you spreading misinformation or you're just a fan of digital garden of the state? ;) What do you mean by that? Yes i know it is possible already have one.
[deleted] Grkrz What do you mean by that? "for banking, doctors etc., basicaly without this app you cannot "exist" in Denmark."
victor Grkrz I am not sure i understand your comment. Do you mean that there is no update but the app is working? or do you mean that the app isn't working? (:
Grkrz victor the app got an update but after the update the app still crashed (did not worked). I did not try later on because you have to go the whole process with registration of new "smartphone". I am pretty sure the app do not work. If you check and it is working please let us know.
john34 Grkrz hi, im danish 2. Im thinking about getting GrapheneOS on my Pixel 7, and was wondering if you knew what apps worked and what apps wouldn't. Here im talking about common apps like nemid, mobilepay, nordea netbank etc. Thanks!
matchboxbananasynergy john34 There's a community resource for bank app compatibility with GrapheneOS. It seems all 3 you mentioned are already there. :) Check it out:
john34 Grkrz Do you think MidId is gonna work again? Did you write to the devs about the issue, and is there anything that can be done?
Grkrz john34 not sure. They do not seams to really care about it. The are another topics in this forum about mitID, and other people said that they have contacted the Dev people. They did an update but it did not helped. There is physical dongel which you are most probably familiar.
john34 Grkrz Do you know if things like the "Sundhedskort" or "Kørekort" app works, or could you maybe test?