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  • Meta AI - Data training using your public information

I've just received the following email from Meta, so firstly this post is to notify others in case they haven't received the email which does allow an opt out. I'm curious given our reasons for using Graphene, whether anyone posts publicly on Facebook, and going forward how concerned should we be about data training models using our data? Meta have openly informed it's users, but should we assume all organisations would request permission - and are there any others opt out systems for other companies that we should be aware of.

_We're getting ready to expand our AI at Meta experiences. AI at Meta is our collection of generative AI features and experiences, such as Meta AI and AI creative tools, along with the models that power them.

What this means for you

To help bring these experiences to you, we want you to know that we'll use public information like public posts and comments from accounts of people 18 years or older on the basis of legitimate interests. We'll do this to develop and improve AI at Meta. You have the right to object to the use of your information for these purposes. If your objection is honoured, going forward we won't use your public information from Facebook and Instagram to develop and improve generative AI models for our AI at Meta features and experiences. If you've already objected, you don't need to submit another request.

You can learn more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy._

The auto response once the opt out request is completed;

_We will honour your objection for your public information, such as public posts and comments. This means that we won't use your public information from Facebook and Instagram for future development and improvement of generative AI models for our AI at Meta features and experiences.

We will also honour your objection for any other accounts that you've added to the same Accounts Centre as this account. If you have other accounts that are not added to the same Accounts Centre as this one, you'll need to submit a new request for each of those accounts.

If you want to learn more about generative AI, and our privacy work in this new space, please review the information that we have in Privacy Centre.


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