I happily switched to Graphene OS almost two years ago, and I'm super happy with my decision.
This morning my Pixel 5 was running fine.
It was running out of battery on my way to the office.
When I tried to start my Pixel again, the warning was shown that my device was corrupt. Visit g.co/ABH.

When I continue the boot process, it will load first the google logo and then the Graphene OS logo, and after some time, it restarts automatically.

My bootloader is locked.

I looked in the forum and googled for a solution, but I did not find anything to help me.
Can you please put me in the right direction on what to do with my bricked Pixel 5?
Any possibility of re-flashing Graphene OS?
I can't flash stock android since the boot-loader is locked.
Any advice is welcome.


    Sorry to hear you're having this problem.

    Since the bootloader is locked there isn't much you can do, unfortunately.

    The first thing I'd try is a factory reset to see if that fixes things. If you don't know how to do that from bootloader menus, follow instructions on this site: https://support.google.com/pixelphone/answer/4596836 under "How to factory reset your Google Pixel phone" > "With your phones buttons (advanced)"


    First enter Recovery⋮

    On powered OFF Google Pixel phones:

    • Hold down the Power and Volume Down buttons together for a few seconds, and let go when you see a triangle with an exclamation point in it on screen.
    • Use the Volume Down button to cycle through the options until you find Recovery mode and press the Power button to load it.
    • If you see an Android mascot on its back with the words No command, then you need to press and hold the Power button and press the Volume Up button once, then let go of both buttons.
    • You should see the recovery menu now, and you can use the Volume buttons to highlight options and the Power button to trigger them.


    • Wipe Cache Partition then REBOOT

    if this doesn't fix enter recovery again after:

    Ensuring you have the latest platform-tools:

    • Transfer the downloaded OTA zip file to your platform-tools folder.

    • Now boot your device to stock recovery and connect it to PC via USB Cable.

    • In recovery, use Volume keys to highlight the ‘Apply Update from ADB‘ option and press the Power key to confirm this selection.

    • Next up, open a powershell or CMD window in the platform-tools folder and type in the below command in the powershell/CMD window and hit the Enter key. Make sure to replace ‘OTA.zip’ with the actual name of the file that you have downloaded.
      adb sideload ota.zip

    • Now, wait for the update to get installed onto your device. Once the installation is successful, you could reboot your device from the recovery itself (use the ‘Reboot system now‘ option for the same)

    If this fails try as a last resort (Full Data Loss):

    • Wipe Data/Factory Reset

      Thank you for your thorough answer.
      this is what I get when I try ADB sideload the OTA

      `C:\Users\e\Downloads\platform-tools>adb sideload redfin-ota_update-2022102800.zip
      adb server version (39) doesn't match this client (41); killing...
      * daemon started successfully
      Total xfer: 1.00x`

        On my Pixel it states:

        Supported API 3
        Finding update package...
        verifying update package...
        Update package verification took 58.6 s (result 0)
        Installing update...
        Step 1/2
        Error applying update: 7 (ErrorCode : : kInstallDeviceOpenError)
        Error: recovery: Error in /sideload/package.zip (status 1)

          Sumba have you installed Android Studio/SDK previously? You appear to have an older version installed. Regardless it managed to kill it and start successfully.

          Sumba in regards to this, what version of the OS did you have installed before this happened? Status 1 usually means you are trying to install an OTA older than the current OS version.

          Can you also confirm the message you received from this link too: https://source.android.com/docs/security/features/verifiedboot/boot-flow

            MetropleX changed the title to Pixel 5 Device Corrupted Issue .

            MetropleX Thank you for your answer.

            I did not install Android studio/SDK previously. I did it through my work laptop and downloaded all new drivers and SDK when this happened.

            What must have happened was that my Pixel 5 was on the previous version of Graphene OS. It had the update already downloaded, waiting for a restart to get installed. since the phone ran out of battery during the night, it turned off. in the morning, I tried to start it, and it turned back off after more or less 30sec since it did not have enough battery.
            When I plugged it back in and tried to start it, the described problem started to appear.
            I think the issue is that it is stuck in the update.
            The OTA can not be older IMO since I'm running the stable version.

            The following screen is shown after startup

            followed by a yellow warning
