Hi there,
I've been playing with QubesOS on laptops for a while, and soon hope to be a GrapheneOS user too.
The hardened android sandboxing seems like a really robust way if achieving security through compartmentalisation. I've even seen discussions about attempts to port GrapheneOS into a Qubes template VM.
It's got me wondering if the GrapheneOS team have any plans to implement any established qubesOS features. For instance:
Support for sandboxes and 'disposable' network connections which delete on each reboot. Or is it the case that grapheneOS tackles issues of persistence in its own already established and comparable way?
The ability to open links and attachments in adhoc, disposable user spaces could also provide huge protections, but again, it sounds like maybe this is already the case but I a slightly different presentation.
Can any developers comment on what features may be brought over?
Could GOS become one of the core qubes templates? Will GOS become a computer OS in its own right?